1.3.38 released

Submitted by ehu on
February 25th, 2014, Announcement of the release of 1.3.38.
Several of the bugs fixed in this release probably go all the way back to 1.2 and beyond. 
Changelog for 1.3.38

Heartbleed and LedgerSMB

Submitted by Chris Travers on

What follows is a slightly edited version of a post to the email lists.  While LedgerSMB does not directly utilize OpenSSL, it is usually deployed on web servers that do.  No upgrades of LedgerSMB are required, but you may need to update the security libraries of your web server.  Please read further for the sorts of implications this has regarding LedgerSMB and what we would recommend about mitigating and recovering from risks.

Security advisory (fixed in 1.3.37)

Submitted by Chris Travers on

Security Advisory: LedgerSMB < 1.3.36, Improper Logout on Some Browsers

Severity:  Low (cvssv2 base score: 3.6, total 0.5)
Remotely Exploitable: No
Complexity of Attack:  High
Impact:  Relatively low.
Prerequisite for Attack:  Physical Access to Previously Logged In Browser, so high complexity in most cases.
Attack Vector:  Physical, against client.
Impact:  The attacker may gain access unexpectedly to LedgerSMB using the client's previous credentials.


1.3.37 released

Submitted by Chris Travers on
LedgerSMB 1.3.37 has been released.  This is a significant release with a number of important fixes including two security fixes (please stay tuned for security advisories on these two usually-minor security issues).

LedgerSMB 1.3.35 released

Submitted by Chris Travers on


 LedgerSMB 1.3.35 has been released.  This release includes a fairly large number of relatively minor fixes, as well as the addition of invoice creation date tracking and a number of fixes for locale-specific requirements.  If you are having any issues with the bugs fixed, you should upgrade immediately.  

LedgerSMB 1.3.34 released

Submitted by ehu on
he LedgerSMB team has released 1.3.34.  Although this is a bugfix release with some significant fixes in it, it also includes a few minor enhancements, such as the ability to search for drafts and batches without specifying a type.
The complete changelog is as follows:

LedgerSMB 1.3.33 released

Submitted by Chris Travers on

LedgerSMB 1.3.33 has been released.  This release corrects a number of minor issues, the most major one is that format_amount() was not working on the check printing workflows.

A fairly large number of other minor bugs were also fixed.  Those who are wondering whether to upgrade probably should do so, as the issues fixed are all relatively minor.  The complete changelog is below.

LedgerSMB 1.3.32 released

Submitted by Chris Travers on

LedgerSMB 1.3.32 has been released.  This release adds overlooked functionality, and corrects a number of minor to moderate problems with previous releases.  Those who are running 1.3.31 should upgrade sooner rather than later.  Others should upgrade after reviewing the 1.3.31 inventory changes.